
Dos excesos: excluir la razón, no admitir más que la razón. Blaise Pascal

Friday, February 03, 2006


Now listening;
Frank Black. There have been three days and I can’t stop listening to him.

There has been a long time since the last time that I wrote something in English or not, anyway. I have been thinking that writing in English is a good way of expressing my ideas thinking about them in another way, in this case in another language.

People say that languages are a big obstacle, but not really, they are the door to think about other cultures an other ways of thinking, as my friend Ana Laura old me that she was studying indi, if that is the correct name, and that she knows how o translate one phrase, but it didn’t make any sense when you read it because the grammatical rules are very different.

Some languages seem to be more complete, as the word unsicherheit in German, just a single word conjugates three different meanings: insecurity, uncertainty and unprotected. That is the same case with the word dead, which is not the only world to refer to the person that dies, you have to use an specific word depending on the way you die.

So the richness in every different language can give you a reference to the way that people think or to the way how they see life.


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