
Dos excesos: excluir la razón, no admitir más que la razón. Blaise Pascal

Monday, November 14, 2005

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The Flaming Lips, Hit to Death in the Future Head

Riots in France Posted by Picasa

In France things seem to be getting worse and worse. The neo-conservative Nicolas Sarkozy, is trying to get votes form the riot incidents, promising stability addressing the immigrates as racailles (scum) and voyous (rabble). Nowadays these kind of political leaders are very attractive to people because they seem to be the opportunity of having stability against those rabble (racial minorities). So, to promise to fight against these groups with repression instead of with employment gives more votes and a very good position in the polls.

This kind of radical policy is getting force again; in the middle of the 90s the radical right of Le Penn was very well positioned. In the elections of 2002 the left was totally divided and Chirac had to contend with him in the second round, when fortunately he manage to beat him.

The problem seems to be that people forget history. Why they don’t remember that a lot of the young people that are participating in the riots are sons of the black people that they used as workers to lift their economy after the World War Two, or they neither remember about Vichy Nazi regime and how De Gaulle fought against them to give once more time its freedom, equality and fraternity. The fact that 20% of the immigrates are unemployed and in poverty situation, doesn’t violate the two second postulates of the French Revolution and nowadays the main flag of western society (nevertheless that it seems that fraternity has been forgotten at all)?

The way of fighting against the riots in all over Europe is not with more xenophobe. What people and governments should do is to create employments and to give the possibility to all this young people of having a descent job, so they and their families can live in good conditions.


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